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extension    音标拼音: [ɪkst'ɛnʃən]


延伸; 分机

延伸 扩充

n 1: a mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion
of a job or payment of a debt; "they applied for an
extension of the loan"
2: act of expanding in scope; making more widely available;
"extension of the program to all in need"
3: the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new
regions [synonym: {propagation}, {extension}]
4: an educational opportunity provided by colleges and
universities to people who are not enrolled as regular
students [synonym: {extension}, {extension service}, {university
5: act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb [ant:
{flexion}, {flexure}]
6: a string of characters beginning with a period and followed
by one or more letters; the optional second part of a PC
computer filename; "most applications provide extensions for
the files they create"; "most BASIC files use the filename
extension .BAS" [synonym: {extension}, {filename extension},
{file name extension}]
7: the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression;
the class of objects that an expression refers to; "the
extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only
Demos and Phobos" [synonym: {reference}, {denotation},
8: the ability to raise the working leg high in the air; "the
dancer was praised for her uncanny extension"; "good
extension comes from a combination of training and native
9: amount or degree or range to which something extends; "the
wire has an extension of 50 feet" [synonym: {extension},
{lengthiness}, {prolongation}]
10: an additional telephone set that is connected to the same
telephone line [synonym: {extension}, {telephone extension},
{extension phone}]
11: an addition to the length of something [synonym: {elongation},
12: an addition that extends a main building [synonym: {annex},
{annexe}, {extension}, {wing}]

Extension \Ex*ten"sion\, n. [L. extensio: cf. F. extension. See
{Extend}, v. t.]
1. The act of extending or the state of being extended; a
stretching out; enlargement in breadth or continuation of
length; increase; augmentation; expansion.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Physics) That property of a body by which it occupies a
portion of space.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Logic & Metaph.)
(a) Capacity of a concept or general term to include a
greater or smaller number of objects; -- correlative
of {intension}.
(b) the class or set of objects to which a term refers; --
contrasted with {intension}, the logical specification
which defines members of a class, being the set of
attributes which are necessary and sufficient to
recognize an object as a member of the class.
[1913 Webster]

The law is that the intension of our knowledge
is in the inverse ratio of its extension. --Sir
W. Hamilton.
[1913 Webster]

The extension of [the term] plant is greater
than that of geranium, because it includes more
objects. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Surg.) The operation of stretching a broken bone so as to
bring the fragments into the same straight line.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Physiol.) The straightening of a limb, in distinction
from {flexion}.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Com.) A written engagement on the part of a creditor,
allowing a debtor further time to pay a debt.
[1913 Webster]

{Counter extension}. (Surg.) See under {Counter}.

{Extension table}, a table so constructed as to be readily
extended or contracted in length.
[1913 Webster]

333 Moby Thesaurus words for "extension":
L, access, accession, accessory, accompaniment, accretion, accrual,
accruement, accumulation, acreage, addenda, addendum, additament,
addition, additive, additory, additum, adjunct, adjuvant, advance,
affective meaning, aggrandizement, alternate, alternative school,
ambit, ampliation, amplification, amplitude, annex, annexation,
appanage, appendage, appendant, appendix, appreciation,
appurtenance, appurtenant, area, arm, ascent, attachment, augment,
augmentation, ballooning, bearing, bigness, blab school, bloating,
block, boarding school, body, boom, boost, breadth, broadening,
buildup, bulk, caliber, call box, capacity, central school, coda,
coin telephone, coloring, coming after, compass, complement,
comprehensiveness, concomitant, connotation, consecution,
consecutiveness, consequence, consolidated school, continualness,
continuance, continuation, continuation school, continuing,
continuity, continuum, corollary, correspondence school,
country day school, coverage, crescendo, dame school, day school,
denotation, deployment, depth, descent, desk telephone,
development, dial telephone, diameter, dimension, dimensions,
dispersion, distance, distension, drawing out, drift, edema,
effect, elevation, ell, elongation, emptiness, empty space,
endurance, enlargement, essence, evening school, expanse,
expansion, extensiveness, extent, extrapolation, fanning out,
field, finishing school, fixture, flare, flood, following, force,
free school, gain, galactic space, gauge, girth, gist,
grammatical meaning, greatening, greatness, growth, gush, height,
hike, hiking, idea, impact, implication, import, increase,
increment, infinite space, infinity, inflation, informal school,
intension, interstellar space, jump, largeness, leap, length,
lengthening, lengthiness, lexical meaning, line, lineage,
linear measures, lingering, literal meaning, logical sequence,
long time, longitude, longness, magnification, magnitude,
maintenance, mass, meaning, measure, measurement, mileage,
mounting, mouthpiece, multiplication, night school,
nongraded school, nothingness, offshoot, open classroom school,
orbit, order, order of succession, outer space, overall length,
overtone, pay station, pendant, pensionat, perpetuation,
perpetuity, perseverance, persistence, pertinence, phone, pith,
platoon school, point, posteriority, postposition,
practical consequence, private school, procession, procrastination,
production, productiveness, progress, progression,
progressive school, proliferation, prolongation, proportion,
proportions, protraction, public school, public telephone, purport,
pursuance, purview, push-button telephone, radius, raise, raising,
range, range of meaning, reach, real meaning, receiver, reference,
referent, reinforcement, relation, relevance, repetition, rise,
rotation, run, scale, school without walls, scope,
semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, sequence, series,
side effect, side issue, significance, signification, significatum,
signifie, size, snowballing, space, span, span of meaning,
spatial extension, special school, sphere, spirit, splay, spread,
spreading, spreading out, staying power, storefront school,
straight course, strain, street academy, stretch, stretching,
stringing out, structural meaning, subjunction, substance,
succession, successiveness, suffixation, sum, sum and substance,
summer school, superficial extension, supplement, surface, surge,
sustained action, sustenance, sweep, swelling, symbolic meaning,
tailpiece, telephone, telephone booth, telephone engineering,
telephone extension, telephone mechanics, telephone receiver,
telephonics, telephony, tenor, tension, totality of associations,
tract, transferred meaning, transmitter, tumescence,
unadorned meaning, undergirding, undertone, uninterrupted course,
union school, unremittingness, up, upping, upsurge, upswing,
uptrend, upturn, vacation school, value, volume, wall telephone,
waxing, way, widening, width, wing, yardage

1. {filename extension}.

2. A {feature} or piece of {code} which
{extends} a program's {functionality}, e.g. a {plug-in}.


EXTENSION, comm. law. This term is applied among merchants to signify an
agreement made between a debtor and his creditors, by which the latter, in
order to enable the former, embarrassed in his circumstances, to retrieve
his standing, agree to wait for a definite length of time after their
several claims should become due and payable, before they will demand
2. Among the French, a similar agreement is known by the name of
atermoiement. Merl. Rep. mot Atermoiement.

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